Trying something new

I love quilted postcards, and I finally made one.  I had a certain idea in mind until I discovered Selvage Postcards at Hills Creek Quilter.  (You can find a tutorial on her blog.)  When I saw these selvage postcards, I knew I had to try and quilt one myself.

I like that this project allows me to use fabric that normally would sit in my scrap basket.  I am all about recycling.  I know I have a problem with throwing away fabric scraps, but I was still surprised at how many selvage strips I found.  And, of course, now I look at my fabric stash a whole new way....eyeing the selvages!!!

The tutorial directions are clear and easy to follow.  Basically, I fused, trimmed, added a label, stitched around the card, and Voila!!!

Instead of making the back a Postcard, I wrote a personal note to my friend since I plan to hand deliver rather than mail.

I only had time to make one, but I plan on making a bunch more.  The only problem I had was with my machine's satin stitching around the edges.  I didn't have the proper sewing foot, and the fabric was all over the place.  I am giving this to my friend tomorrow, so I don't have time to play around with it.  I'll just have to perfect the technique next time.  Hopefully.


Rene'Quilting, crafts6 Comments