Sensory Overload

Have you stopped by the Bloggers Quilt Festival?  If not, you definitely need to check it out.  Thank goodness it runs until the 16th.  I am methodically checking out every entry starting with #1, working my way down and leaving comments at every blog along the way.  I still have a long way to go.  I may not get much quilting accomplished this week, but I am seeing lots of eye candy and getting great ideas.  Check it out for yourself.  You'll see what I mean.  Click here or on the button in the sidebar.  Please leave a comment at all the places you visit.  I know I have enjoyed reading all the comments from the nice people who have stopped by to see mine.

Another reason I am enjoying the quilt festival is that it gives me a good excuse not to work on my batiks quilt.  This seemed like a quick quilt to make at the time, and that is what I need it to be.  It is taking me way longer than it should to finish, which is what I need to do so I can move on to other projects.  Have you ever felt that way about a quilt before?  I am feeling a little guilty about that fact right now.  I am thinking it has nothing to do with the quilt or the recipient, but the many ideas and new projects running around in my head.  Enjoy your day!!
