AAQI completions and Makeover update

I've made a little progress on my office/studio makeover, and I have a few before and after pictures to show you.  Y'all offered some valuable suggestions which I truly appreciate.

Here is the before picture of the wall behind my sewing machine.  My design wall was partially hidden by the door which had to be completely shut in order to see the entire wall.  Next to the design wall is my bulletin board which I like to call my idea board.

A great suggestion was made to rearrange so that the design wall was more visible.  I relocated my Idea Board to this wall and hung vertically rather than horizontally.  I forgot to take a picture, but I also bought an additional design wall (I'm lazy and use the Fons & Porter portable design wall.) and hung it next to my existing one.  Now I have one HUGE design wall.

Under the Idea Board is Max's bed.  This area is off to the side right when you walk in which has been great for Max.  He has already figured out where his spot is.  Is anyone familiar with Longaberger ?  Well, in the '90's, I was part of a neighborhood cult that was addicted to Longaberger!!!  Baskets was suggested by quite a few of you for organizing.  Little do you know that coming up with baskets is not going to be a problem!  This basket holds some WIPS and sits on a pretty Longaberger wrought iron table.

My personal assistant helped label the baskets.  She came up with the design all by herself.  Do you recognize these Longaberger baskets?  Man, am I having flashbacks!?!

This one cracks me up!  Don't you love the way she labeled this basket for my Orphan Blocks?

I'm sure you remember the clutter of this Before picture.  I moved most of this into the closet.

The smaller six cubbies hold sewing and quilting supplies.  There is a cubby for my Bernina sewing feet, tool kit, manual, etc; another Longaberger basket holding rotary cutters and blades; a basket for embroidery needles in a cubby with DMC and Cosmo floss; extra binding strips; miscellaneous supplies; and quilting gloves (that I never use), marking pencils and tape for marking quilt lines.

The shelves above hold Amy Butler LOVE fabric and Moda L'Amour fabric next to a picture of my LOVEly daughter AKA personal assistant .... who, by the way, said I needed to put pictures of her brothers on the shelve above her picture  ... which I did .... just need to take a picture of the pictures.

Speaking of LOVE, I made my first AAQI donation quilt!! I'm so excited.  I made three different Priority donation quilts over the weekend.  This one shows my first attempt at free piecing letters AND stippling.  Edited to add:  I've joined Liberated Quilters and the Liberated Quilting Group Challenge for making and donating quilts for AAQI.

Have an amazing day!!!!!