Attitude and Gratitude

Today I discovered that I had won an award!!  How cool is that?!  Dee nominated me for the Lemonade Stand Award.  Apparently, this is a highly sought out and coveted award bestowed upon bloggers that show great attitude and gratitude.  Thank you so much Dee!!

It is so nice to receive such recognition from a fellow blogger.  What makes receiving the Lemonade Stand Award really special is being nominated by someone as amazing as Dee.  If you are not already a regular follower of Dee's Doodles, you need to head over there as quick as you can (after you finish reading my blog..ha) to see what you've been missing.  I can not do her blog justice, so you'll just have to go see for yourself.

Now, I get to nominate ten blogs who I feel have great attitude and gratitude.  That is really difficult.  I feel that way about EVERY blog I follow.  I feel so blessed to have found this neighborhood of bloggers that I  consider friends.  Here are my nominees (in alphabetical order):

Lesly of Pickle Dish
Nina Lise of Mrs. Moen
Sherri of A Quilting Life
Victoria of Bumble Beans

These are the rules of accepting the award.
Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
Link the nominees within your post.
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I dedicate this award to my daughter who always asks to make a Lemonade Stand in the summers, but who is always told no!!!  My daughter made this ipod case for Craft Hope:

We made sure the iTouch fits inside, and the earphones can be connected through the button hole.

The first one she made was a little too wide, so she kept that one for herself.  I'm thinking these will be fun to make as gifts to have on hand.

Have an amazing day!!