It's a Small World
after all...sorry...I do live in Disney territory ;-) Hopefully, by now, you have heard about The Modern Quilt Guild, its new webpage, and the fact that there are branches sprouting up everywhere!!! We are even getting one here in the Orlando area.
Visit Orlando Modern Quilt Guild
(On my list of to do's is getting a cool button designed.) As you can see, we already have NINE TEN members. Whoo Hoo!!! Of the other eight nine members, I only know one personally. My friend Hope does not have a blog (yet), but I showed you her amazing photo cards. Luckily (for me) she also quilts.
Here's where the small world comes in. I have made connections with three others through Blogland. I won a prize from Pam (Uberstitch) during the Blogger's Quilt Festival, and I am a follower of Michele (Nostalgic Cafe) and Tonya (Lazy Gal Quilting) who both have amazing blogs. I can't wait to meet these three talented quilters in person along with the others who have joined.

Visit Orlando Modern Quilt Guild
(On my list of to do's is getting a cool button designed.) As you can see, we already have NINE TEN members. Whoo Hoo!!! Of the other eight nine members, I only know one personally. My friend Hope does not have a blog (yet), but I showed you her amazing photo cards. Luckily (for me) she also quilts.
Here she is celebrating her milestone birthday with her birthday presents: quilt and "HOPE" t-shirt.
Here's where the small world comes in. I have made connections with three others through Blogland. I won a prize from Pam (Uberstitch) during the Blogger's Quilt Festival, and I am a follower of Michele (Nostalgic Cafe) and Tonya (Lazy Gal Quilting) who both have amazing blogs. I can't wait to meet these three talented quilters in person along with the others who have joined.
So, for research purposes only, I ordered these books. After all, I have to keep up with my fellow OMQG members...don't want to be a slacker ;-) I received The Quilts of Gee's Bend and can't wait to look through it.
I HAD to have some Gwen Marston books. I can't afford the out of print prices of the first Liberated Quiltmaking, but great timing for me, Liberated Quiltmaking II has just been released. (Check out page 123.)

Visit The Modern Quilt Guild and see if there is a branch in your area. If not, start one yourself!!!
Have an amazing day!!