Virtual Quilt Retreat

I did not get any sewing done this weekend.  I wasn't feeling that well and what time was not spent on the couch resting and/or watching football playoffs was spent doing laundry and preparing several days worth of meals.

I am participating in my first (virtual or otherwise) quilt retreat today and tomorrow.  From what I understand, my family will have to fend for themselves for two days.  I did make sure they have clean clothes and food to eat.

One of my goals is to make free pieced letters spelling Rene' Creates with Amy Butler's LOVE fabric for my studio.

My first priority is finishing this wildflower art quilt once and for all.

If I need a break from sewing, I can organize my scraps.

The coffee is brewed, I have chocolate stashed in a secret place, and as soon as kids are dropped at school, I will begin.  Wish me luck and feel free to offer any suggestions on how to make the most of my virtual quilt retreating.

Have an amazing day!