I Did It!

After much deliberation, I made my first Dear Jane block.

I've been thinking about this project for a while after seeing several out in Blogland.  The only thing I knew for sure, is that I wanted to do it Liberated style....mainly because some of the blocks involved complicated paper piecing which I avoid at all costs!.  

I pondered color choices for a while.  Anya was gracious with her time and advice in answering my many questions and suggested that I graph out my overall color plan.  My idea is to go with Jane's color and fabric scheme with the twist being to use fresh fabrics from modern designers like Rachel is doing with her Modern Siggy Swap.

I started with a really easy one.  This is what they call Simple Simon or M-10.

This is my version.  Really simple block to make.  But I forgot about the Liberated part.


Luckily, the block was a tad too big.  I used Gwen's method of liberating nine patches.  You can't really tell since I didn't have much room to work with, but it is a little wonky.

I also got one of my pinwheel blocks done for the Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along.  I am using Kate Spain's Verna for this project.

Have an amazing day!