Auction Updates and NQR Stuff
I'm proud to be part of the Libquilters Yahoo Group which, among other things, challenges its members to make art quilts for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. The AAQI's April auction ended on Saturday. Several of our group had their art quilts in this month's auction which raised money for Alzheimer's research including a member of our Orlando Modern Quilt Guild. Way to go girls!!!
Did you know that at any time you can go to the AAQI and buy an art quilt a piece of art? I encourage you to check out the quilts they have on their website and to consider donating a quilt yourself. I was thrilled to notice that two of my humble mini quilts had been sold!!! Now I am motivated to make some more.
Did you know that at any time you can go to the AAQI and buy an art quilt a piece of art? I encourage you to check out the quilts they have on their website and to consider donating a quilt yourself. I was thrilled to notice that two of my humble mini quilts had been sold!!! Now I am motivated to make some more.
Saturday was also the school auction which included the Feeling Groovy quilt. The quilt raised $225 for the school. To be honest, I was hoping it would bring in more, but I am glad it found a new home where hopefully it will be loved. The good news is there were two other quilts being auctioned off, and I am hoping to recruit those quiltmakers for our guild.
I have to say everyone should experience prom as an adult!!! I had a blast!!! (This is the NQR=non quilting related stuff.) Above is a picture of my "dates". I learned one of them (Hope) was Prom Queen back in the day. If you remember, the theme of the auction was That 70's Prom. As you can see, my girls and I were dressed conservatively. We all pulled together our outfits from what was on hand in our closets, but you should have seen some of the get ups! Quite a few really knocked themselves out getting into character. The music was great, the dance floor was packed, and they had to kick us out at midnight. Instead of my parents waiting up for me, my daughter was the one who was upset that I stayed out an hour or two past my curfew!

OK, this is really NQR, but I had to share this story. Yesterday, my husband, daughter and I were eating lunch outside at a little restaurant in our neighborhood. The weather was gorgeous, by the way. All of a sudden, we heard sirens and several police motorcycles went by while one stayed. Of course, that got everyone's attention, and we were trying to figure out what was going on. After a few minutes, hundreds of scooters came by with their riders waving and honking and having a good ole time. I really wish I had my camera! (above photo from Flickr) Some of the scooters were decorated with balloons and streamers, but my favorite was the two scooters with bright pink bras strapped to the front! We were witnessing the 4th Annual Scooters 4 Hooters which raises money for breast cancer awareness. I have got to mark my calendar for next year and join them.
Since I haven't made much progress on the hexagon-I-was-trying-to-figure-out-by-myself-quilt, I joined Jaybird Quilts Hexagon Quilt-a-long. No matter that I am several blocks behind on the Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along, only have one Dear Jane block completed, am four months behind on the Fresh and Fancy Table Runner of the Month Club, didn't get to sew this weekend because our realtor kept wanting to show our house, want to make more AAQI quilts, my siggy blocks should be arriving any day now, Sew and Tell Friday comes quicker each week....., I can do it!
Have an amazing day!!!
Have an amazing day!!!