Taking a Break
Reality has hit me full force. Nothing creative is getting done on my end. I just need to face it.
I hung a few items on the walls in my new studio, and
moved some of my fabric over. That's about it.
The movers are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. I hope to get back into a routine by the middle of next week.
Until then, enjoy your holiday weekend. Don't forget to head over to Amy's for Sew and Tell Friday. This is another Friday I'll be missing but hope I can find some time to peek in on what others have been working on.
One last thing, Jodie was nice enough to let me know I was a winner at JayBird Quilts!!! I can't believe it. I really didn't have a chance to enter more than a few giveaways during Sew, Mama, Sew's Giveaway Day, so I am really excited to win the purple Robert Kaufman Siggy Swap supplies. Thanks Julie for the giveaway, and thanks Jodie for letting me know I won. I've been negligent in my blog reading and email responses. Hope to rectify that soon. Thanks for your patience.
Have an amazing weekend!!! See you soon!