String Blocks

I was able to spend quite a bit of time in my studio today.  There was a Dear Jane class I should have attended, but I really wanted a full day (at least while the kids were at school) at home.  It was a lot of fun but not as productive as I had imagined.

String blocks have been on my Want To Do List for some time now.  Cluck Cluck Sew's bag of scraps seemed like a perfect place to start.  I was asked "when you're sewing the strings together - do you use the paper pieing method... or do you just sew strings together?

Well, that's a good question because I spent quite a bit of time reading, researching and deciding this very issue which is why it has taken me so long to start this project;-) The three big squares sent by Allison were made using this method involving copy paper.

I was too lazy for that method, and instead, sewed strips together with a stitch and flip method.  I think this worked pretty well.  The above picture shows my blocks and Allison's.  Can you tell which is which? 

I used the scraps from squaring up the blocks to make these two four inch blocks.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a layout of these string blocks?  I would like to make a 36" square wheelchair quilt.  I appreciate the input.

Have an amazing weekend!

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