Seven Stars

I have completed seven star blocks so far for my son's quilt.

One of the consequences of taking a month off from sewing is that I was unable to complete the planned graduation quilts on time.  No one seemed to be upset by this fact except for me, but nevertheless, I am anxious to get them finished.  

I referred to the Silly BooDilly's wonky star tutorial quite a bit in making these blocks.  She gives clear, detailed instructions and provides many pictures which is helpful to a visual learner like myself.  I kept her tutorial open on my laptop for easy (and frequent) reference.  (Who knew that a laptop would be such a necessary quilting tool to have in a sewing area?)

After making the first block, I went with her suggestion of using print squares cut an inch larger than the background squares to have more flexibility in the wonkiness.  This allowed me to make the star points longer which I think makes the stars look like they are twinkling more.

Here are the seven stars hanging out on my dirty pool deck.  My original plan calls for twenty-one or so stars, but since it is my own pattern, I may decide (based on how tired I get of making stars) the quilt doesn't need that many ;-)

Have an amazing day!!!