I did it...

...I went ahead and drank the Kool-Aid...lots of Kool-Aid...even though I said I wouldn't!

I blame it all on/am thankful to (however you choose to look at it) Michele who wrote this post.

First off, I joined For the Love of Solids swap.  This should be interesting.  I'm nervous and excited at the same time!!!  You can see my mosaic above.

I have resisted Pinterest for quite some time now even though I received an invitation to join awhile back.  It hasn't been easy as there have been many temptations, and obviously, I finally succumbed to peer pressure and drank that kool-aid too ;-)  I still haven't quite figured Pinterest out and haven't done much with it yet, but I'm sure that will change with time.  
I did create a Quilty Inspiration board, but that's about it so far.

I haven't taken a drink from The Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-Long kool-aid yet, and I don't think I will any time soon.  I did purchase the book...just in case.  In the meantime, I will live vicariously through others...especially Cindy who is making all the blocks with shot cottons!

Have an amazing weekend!!!!