Once Again

Yesterday I had several free hours to spend in my sewing room...and what did I do?

Rearranged it....AGAIN!  Working on my son's SuperStar quilt made me realize how much I missed having a design wall.  After measuring certain spaces and furniture, I decided to move this bookcase into the closet and hang a large piece of batting (over the smaller portable design wall) on the now empty area for a makeshift, but larger, design wall.

I need to take a better picture when the area is a bit more picked up, but this gives you an idea of the new look ;-)  I quickly put some WIPs on the wall...my liberated coin quilt waiting for inspiration to strike for background fabric...several Dear Jane blocks made before I decided to go with Kaffe all the way...one spiderweb block made for guild demo...fun house block from Beth patiently wondering when it will play with other blocks...and 36-patch blocks in two different sizes for two different quilts.

My latest 36-patch block...it's rather busy....but I like it! 


Need to get cranking on these...have only made three so far...but pulled out more fabric when I was rearranging the studio yesterday.

Does anyone else out there like to rearrange furniture?  My sister and I used to joke with our Mom that every time we came home from college she had rearranged the living room furniture...guess it's a genetic thing!  I've noticed that I seem to make more family references now that my sister is blogging...can't help myself....hope you don't mind ;-)

Have an amazing day!!!!