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I saw this on Pinterest and thought it would make a funny birthday card for a friend.
On a more serious note, did you know that today is World Alzheimer's Day?!
Read more on this blog post.
I went to quilt class again yesterday. My Mom asked if I was getting all A's...I told her it was a good thing we weren't being graded ;-) Our textbook is Karen K. Stone Quilts, and our project is the Cinco de Mayo quilt. Since it is just a four lesson class, only the toughest parts of four blocks are being taught...otherwise it should be a five year class ;-)
Seriously though, I am learning a lot about paper piecing. I think I am ready to tackle that Dear Jane quilt now....just got to clear up that long list of WIPs first.

I don't think I'm the only blogger who gets excited to receive an email notification that a comment has been left on their blog post. Am I alone in being disappointed when NO ONE comments? Probably not. For some reason yesterday, I was really disappointed that no one commented on the lovely swap package I received. I worried that I hadn't done justice with my words to the gorgeous quilt made by Jessica.
However, last night I discovered comments HAD been left on my blog....just no emails to let me know! I don't normally look on my blog to see if I have any comments....I rely on my mail inbox to let me know. Has this happened to anyone else? Not sure if it is a Blogger thing, a Mac thing or something else. I usually get a stray comment now and then that lands in my Junk folder, but this hasn't happened before, at least not that I am aware. Hmmm, better look into this...
In other aqua seam ripper finally arrived!!!
Yes, Amy, it was definitely worth the wait!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!