I forgot to mention
a couple of newsworthy items!
after hearing her name called, promptly gave them to me after much whining from me, she caved and graciously handed them over ;-)

Lark Books donated the new Pretty in Patchwork Doll Quilts book to our guild which we gave away as a door prize at Wednesday's meeting.

For tomorrow's Sew & Tell, Amy is hosting a mini quilt challenge that involves giveaways! Perfect timing as I need to make at least two minis - one for a swap and one for a challenge.
Off to the sewing room I go!
Have an amazing day!!
At last week's guild meeting, Beth won I came home with these liberated roses from our November block drawing! Beth isn't a big fan of these blocks
Beth knew I wanted to win them, so 
Lark Books donated the new Pretty in Patchwork Doll Quilts book to our guild which we gave away as a door prize at Wednesday's meeting.
I didn't win the Lark Book, so I consoled myself by purchasing these two books from the LQS right after the meeting. I already have several projects in mind after browsing these. The Modern Blocks book especially will come in handy for determining future BOMs...hmmm.....wonder if the guild can reimburse me for that one....
For tomorrow's Sew & Tell, Amy is hosting a mini quilt challenge that involves giveaways! Perfect timing as I need to make at least two minis - one for a swap and one for a challenge.
Off to the sewing room I go!
Have an amazing day!!