Monday Mini: Triple Zipper Pouch

My new MCM Bee buddy is having a Triple-Zip Along which starts today and runs through February 15th.  Zippers and I do not get along but I decided to play anyway.  More information and Deb's tutorial can be found on the Flickr group page.

Olive the Ostrich
Forgive the fuzzy pictures.  Don't know what was going on with my camera.  My fabrics are Laurie Wisbrun's Olive the Ostrich which I just purchased during #ilovemyLQS and scraps of gray Aneela Hoey fabric.  I am in love with this ostrich print and had a hard time cutting into the fabric, but this pouch only needs a little ;-)

Inside pouch
I was super excited when my first zipper went in without a hitch.  There was even a pouch like the instructions indicated!  However, I lost my place in the directions when adding the second set of fabrics and zipper and had to use my seam ripper.  Ugh.

Triple Zip Pouch
Oh well, all in all I am pretty pleased with how my triple-zip pouch turned out, considering I am still a zipper newbie.  Feeling confident I ordered quite a few zippers in a variety of colors so there may be more zipper pouches in my future.

Ostrich love on the back
I also bought several yards of the adorable Olive the Ostrich fabric so you will be seeing more of her around here ;-)

From the archives: Leo's quilt in progress
In other news, this week continues the bloggy Peace pattern party, and today my friend Terri (who definitely is not afraid of zippers!) is revealing her Peace quilt and having a giveaway on her blog.  You definitely want to take a look at her quilt which may or may not be made with Anna Maria Horner scraps!  It's so pretty.

The multi-talented Terri
I was excited when Terri agreed to test my pattern.  She has such a good eye for color and design.  In the beginning stages of writing my peace pattern, Terri offered her graphic design knowledge and answered my questions regarding the mechanics of pattern drafting.  Terri's the kind of person that is enthusiastic about sharing her interests (as I learned sewing next to her at my very first quilt retreat when I flew across the country to sew with nine bloggers I had never met before!) and inspires others to  pursue theirs!

 Below is a list of all the peaceful participants ;-)

Monday, January 21 -  Katie at KT Quilts 
Tuesday, January 22 - Michele at  Nostalgic Cafe 
Wednesday, January 23 - Cindy at  Live a Colorful Life 
Thursday, January 24 - Michelle at  Frustrated Quilter 
Friday, January 25 - Stephanie at Peas in a Pod 
Monday, January 28 - Terri at Terri's Notebook 
Tuesday, January 29 - Doris at Made by a Brunnette 
Wednesday, January 30 - Mary at Mary on Lake Pulaski 
Thursday, January 31 - Shelly at Prairie Moon Quilts 
Friday, February 1 - back here for a give away

Happy Monday and happy stitching,