Really Random Thursday: Speed

I really just want to post two pictures and say it is much easier to photograph a racing car than a running toddler!

photographing at Sebring
Of course on the race track, you know where the cars are going.  

That is not necessarily the case (if ever) with a toddler!

gone in a flash
Since there should be more than two pictures in a RRT post, here are a few more.

Seattle Children's Museum
I spent a few days with my grandson playing tourist in Seattle.  I haven't uploaded all of the photographs so I'm sure Leo will reappear in next week's Really Random Thursday.

fun with TP
Apparently, Leo would rather play with the toilet paper than visit the Chihuly exhibit.  That's probably a better idea anyway.

what were they thinking?
Back to the race cars....who would take a perfectly good Ferrari and give it a University of Miami paint job?!!!  Now if it was a Florida State University makeover that's a different story.

Who let the Ford on the race track?!
 During the "everyone can go on the track" lap, my husband's uncle took his Explorer for a spin.  He was as excited as a little kid.  Cracked me up seeing his Ford doing laps with Ferraris and Lamborghinis.  You should see the selfies he took while driving.

Thanks for stopping by,