Choose Your Own BlockAlong 10/6/14

Happy Monday!  Can you believe it's October already?!  
I'm keeping up with the Choose Your Own BlockAlong and my Dear Jane blocks.

Block E-3
I continue to choose blocks that can be rotary cut and pieced, putting off those blocks requiring appliqué and paper piecing.  I know I will have to face those soon enough.

These blocks are really test my piecing skills.  Those corner HSTs are 1 3/8" (unfinished), so forgive me if I don't stress over my not so perfect points ;-)

Block E-9
When the directions call for cutting 3/4" strips, I need to remind myself these blocks finish at 4 1/2".  
After working on these blocks, a 2 1/2" square seems huge!

I am now up to 14 Dear Jane blocks, and I appreciate the continued accountability of these weekly posts with Michelle and Cindy.  

Are you playing along?  Link up here so we can support one another.

Thanks for stopping by,