MCM Bee Blocks

Finishing and mailing bee blocks within the first week of the month is a great feeling!
It's also a feeling I haven't felt much this year ;-))  I pledge to do much better in 2016!

December MCM Bee blocks for Elizabeth
Solid HSTs were requested for Elizabeth....

November MCM Bee block for Michelle

Michelle asked for house blocks...

Past MCM Bee blocks that haven't been posted on the blog...
October block for Anne
Stripes for Anne...

August block for Mary
Starry Sky  block for Mary...

So now I am all caught up with my Mid Century Modern Bee!  I am excited to see what 2016 (our fourth year) brings.  We will welcome some new members which (sadly) means a few will leave the group.  Yay for social media though for keeping up with quilty friends.

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