Guild Retreat
Recently, our guild held its fifth retreat. It was only my second time attending. What?! Here’s our official group photo:
What a great group!
It is no surprise that we all had a terrific time! Check out our hashtag on Instagram to see some amazing quilt projects in the works. I only worked on three projects. I consider that a success since I only brought four.
Polaroid blocks
I can’t show pictures of the first project as it is a gift. The second project was making polaroid blocks for our upcoming guild Block of the Month. These have been on my want-to-do list for ages! They came together quickly using the chain piecing method.
Liberty hearts in progress
Most of my sewing time was spent making Liberty hearts to add to a very old WIP. I managed to make over 175 blocks during the weekend!! (I scrolled back through old blog posts to find a link to the “old WIP”, but it must have been started during one of my blog hiatuses.)
My pretty fabric centerpiece
My original retreat project idea was to cut into this flannel bundle and start on a king sized version of this quilt. After receiving conflicting suggestions on whether to prewash or not, I decided to do a bit more research. My latest enamel pin says it all ;-)))
In addition to sewing, I did a bit of shopping thanks to Sew Modern Chicky’s pop up shop.
Making myself right at home
It was a nice change to drive (rather than fly) to a retreat and have the space to bring my own bed quilt and pillow. I brought a favorite bee quilt and the pillowcase my friend Cindy made me.
Do you participate in any quilting retreats? They are a great way to connect with friends and recharge your creative batteries!
Happy stitching,