Tell Me A Story Collaborative Quilt

This quilt was kept a secret for so long that I forgot to post about it when it was no longer a secret 😀 During the planning stage I was so afraid of slip-ups that all the emails went out with the subject line "Don't Tell Michele"!

Quilt for Michele

Quilt for Michele

A guild founder recently suffered a loss, and our guild leaders went to work making her a comfort quilt. Michele loves novelty prints and bright fabrics, so Amy's Tell Me A Story quilt (from her Intentional Piecing book) was the obvious choice. 

Isn't this the perfect backing fabric?!

Isn't this the perfect backing fabric?!

The blocks were perfect for a collaborative project and easy enough for even a beginner paper piecer. I can't thank Amy enough for allowing us to use her quilt pattern for this project. Everyone who made a block commented on how fun they were to make. It was interesting to see the fabrics each member chose to represent Michele. Mine is the Weber "green egg" grill.

Close up of the wonderful quilting

Close up of the wonderful quilting

Blocks were made by over 20 former and current guild leaders, Caroline assembled the backing, Debra quilted the quilt, and Marge did the binding. 

An extra block mades a lovely card

An extra block mades a lovely card

Michele and I share the same feelings towards cats (terrified) and have a habit of gifting cat related items to each other, so I had to go with a cat print for her card!

Michele quilt 1.JPG

Your guild family loves you Michele!

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