2014 Quilty Goals

I'm a little late with the resolutions, but I found it difficult to focus on goals with my hand in a cast and sewing off limits for the near future.  However, now I'm home and my spirits are lifted by the idea of wearing short sleeve shirts which work better with my cast than ski jackets and sweaters.  
{I am ignoring the below freezing warnings issued for the next couple of days.  My friends in the north have it much worse. }

Word for the year
Once the cast is off I have quite a bit of catching up to do, but once that is done, there is a list of projects I am excited to work on.  I am anxious to continue working on my spiderweb bee quilt and finally complete my cowboy/cowgirl quilt that has been a WIP for way too long.

2014 goals
As much as I love the instant gratification of Instagram, I miss my blog reading and want to reestablish that routine.  I'd like to create more gifts for friends and family and quilts for charity this year.  I have a list of specific quilts I want to make and a couple of patterns to be written.  I am super excited to attend Sew Down Nashville.

what the what???
Now to get this blasted cast off.  I was so relieved to learn I could travel over the holidays that I didn't even ask about recovery time.  I will find out soon enough as I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed as I can't cross mine ;-)

sweet Leo
I have a long list of personal goals which of course includes spending lots of time with this guy!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you are finding some time for stitching!

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