Really Random Thursday: Improving

This week started on a high note.  My Seminoles won the last ever BCS Championship.  What a game!!!!!  My husband and middlest attended the game while the rest of us watched in the comfort of our pjs in front of the tv.

Sadly the boys caught my cold.  After the game, my son posted this on Facebook.  He's so sweet I didn't have the heart to correct his referring to quilts as blankets.

I now have a working cell phone.  Two weeks without was frustrating.  Now to watch out for ceramic bowls of water and hard surfaces ;-)

The suitcases are now all unpacked.  It won't be me this time climbing on the ladder to put them away!

Have you seen the movie Pitch Perfect?  I love this movie and have seen it too many times to count.  Lately I feel like Chloe, except in my case the excuse is because of my arm.  Cast should come off in two weeks then some rehab before sewing.

My injury did come in handy at Wednesday's guild meeting.  Michele knew how much I wanted this door prize and gifted it to me after she won.  Thanks Michele!

I thought I was being smart by using BlogPress, my iPad and Siri to compile this post.  That was before receiving continued error messages (after I had drafted entire post) saying network couldn't connect or some such nonsense.  After several hours of this, I went back to basics and retyped the entire post on Dashboard.  Lesson learned.

Linking up with other Randomeers here.  Thanks for stopping by,